Airport Layout Plan

The Airport Layout Plan (ALP) serves as a critical planning tool that depicts both existing facilities and planned development for an airport. Sponsors of airport development carried out at federally obligated airports must accomplish the improvement in accordance with an FAA-approved ALP. (AIP Sponsor Guide - 500)

Intermodal Feasibility Study

The Intermodal Feasibility Study recommends potential revenue enhancement initiatives along with policy and managerial strategies to improve the Airport's financial performance. The recommended plan of action from this report rests on seven primary strategic initiatives including: attract airline service, secure U.S. Customs and Border Protection, attract more MRO activity, increase GA and Military activity, increase intermodal use of the Airport, non-aviation property development, and airport rebranding.

Master Plan

The primary purpose of the Airport Master Plan is to provide guidance for the future development of the airport which will satisfy the aviation demand in a financially feasible and responsible manner, while addressing the aviation, environmental, and socioeconomic issues of the community. The Airport Master Plan for Lakeland Linder International Airport provides recommendations for airport facilities needed to accommodate air traveling passengers, and aircraft operations through the 2040 planning year horizon. The Lakeland Linder International Airport Master Plan Update was approved by the Federal Aviation Administration in 2020.

Minimum Standards

Lakeland Linder International Airport's Minimum Standards outline the minimum threshold entry requirements for those desiring to provide Commercial Aeronautical Activities to the public at the Airport and provide reasonable opportunities without unjust discrimination. The Minimum Standards are established based upon the conditions at the Airport, the existing and planned facilities at the Airport, and the current and future aviation role of the Airport. Any prospective commercial operator will be required to provide the prescribed minimum level of services contained herein, in order to enter into an agreement, permit, or lease with the City to operate on the Airport. All commercial operators are encouraged to exceed the “minimum” in terms of quality of facilities and/or services. The purpose of the Minimum Standards are to:

  • Promote safety
  • Promote the economic health of airport businesses
  • Promote the orderly development of airport property
  • Encourage high quality products, services and facilities to airport users
  • Encourage and promote activities that will compliment the area surrounding the airport

In summary, the Minimum Standards establish the minimum requirements to be met by individuals and companies for the privilege of providing Commercial Aeronautical Activities at the Airport. The Airport's Minimum Standards were adopted by the Lakeland City Commission on March 7, 2011.

Rules and Regulations

Lakeland Linder International Airport's Rules and Regulations were established for the safe, orderly, and efficient operation of the Airport and apply to all persons using the Airport for any reason. They were developed with public safety, preservation of facilities, and protection of the public in mind. As a federally obligated airport, the City of Lakeland is required by FAA grant assurances to establish and enforce fair, equal, and not unjustly discriminatory airport rules and regulations. Lakeland Airport Rules and Regulations were adopted by the Lakeland City Commission in 2023.

City of Lakeland Code of Ordinances  Chapter 14 Aviation

Tarmac Delay Contingency Plan